The Ultra Crew puts useful information in the hands of the people who will be driving to somewhere without cell service in the middle of the night to give you dry socks and a high five.
*Throughout the website, races are referenced, information is given and links are provided. Races and their websites are owned by the respective organizers.
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There's lots of content still to come, so check back often or follow along on Instagram @theultracrew
So much technical fabric assembled at the UTMB start! @utmbmontblanc
Taking a break from all the gorgeous views in #Chamonix to check out the relative calm of #zermatt and the #matterhorn. Back to France tomorrow - rest up runners for the #CCC and #UTMB!
“Crewing” for the #miniutmb races still required a lot of work. There were tears, injuries, complaints about the snacks, and lovely views. So basically the same as a normal race. #utmb @utmbmontblanc
The energy is building in #chamonix for @utmbmontblanc #utmb. It’s awesome to see participants from all over the world- and their families and crews in tow. If you’re out on the course and notice something you think a future crew would benefit from knowing, tag the aid station, race and #theultracrew. #ultratrail #ultrarunning. Support each other and have a great race!
UTMB crews and runners- we know you are looking forward to more of this at #UTMB in just a few days. (From 2013- think it will look different this time?) @utmbmontblanc
Lots of folks hoping to see this sight in the next 14 hours. Best of luck to all the runners and don’t forget to thank your crew- it’s awesome to see so many people so focused! #ultracrew #leadville #ultrarunning #lt100 #finishline
Apparently this sign started as a tattoo (see next photo) - it’s either very confusing or very meta but I like that this guy went with it. #ltraceseries #lt100 #twinlakes
Awesome to see some blue sky in Colorado today with all the haze elsewhere. #twinlakes #ltraceseries #lt100 @ltraceseries
Leader at #lt100 coming through Twin Lakes! @robkrar
Good mood continues to prevail at Printer Boy aid station! #silverrush50run #silverrush50 @ltraceseries #theultracrew #ultrarunning